Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Busy Holy Week.

Hello All,

I've been quiet for the past few days, off my usual religion/end of life/patients' rights beat. Two back-to-back conferences and a new endeavor are stretching my mind and taking up usual time resources.

On Thursday and Friday I attended the Digital Religion conference at New York University's Center for Religion and Media; two days packed with scholars, journalists, activists and lots of discussion about religion online.

Yesterday, I was downtown at a conference sponsored by Women, Action and Media, NYC, honing my media and reporting skills in the company of some amazing women.

And this coming holy week I'm busy preparing for the relaunch of The Revealer, founded by journalist Jeff Sharlet back in 2003 and published by NYU's Center for Religion and Media. You'll find the new site much the same as the old site - but reinvigorated and easier to read, with all the analysis of religion in the media you can handle. We plan to relaunch on April 1.

Busy is good! I'll keep you apprised of my doings as the week goes on.

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